Gears of My Childhood - Lego

I am currently enrolled in the Learning Creative Learning course offered by the MIT Media Lab and P2PU. The assignment for the second week was to read the foreword to Seymour Papert’s 1980 book Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. The foreword is titled The Gears of My Childhood and...

Moodle Add-on Evaluations

During my second talk at the 2013 Canadian Moodle Moot in Vancouver, someone in the audience asked me about how my team at Remote-Learner evaluates Moodle plug-ins. We have a checklist that a developer must go through when trying to make a determination as to whether an add-on is suitable...

Canadian Moodle Moot 2013 Presentation

These are my slides from the presentation I gave at the 2013 Canadian Moodle Moot in Vancouver, BC. Moodle Development Best Pracitces from Justin Filip

Using Git to fix a typo in every commit of a branch

Full disclosure: how I got into this situation is bad practice on my part but how I got out of it was interesting and I thought it would be worth sharing and potentially helpful to others. Background First, some background. I was creating a Moodle plugin to contain both a...


Hi, I’m starting up this site which I hope to use to share information about things that interest me. Those things will probably be related to my day job and personal projects that I am working on in my spare time. Thanks for stopping by!